
You can choose to subscribe to each individual annual journal as a pdf for $6 per journal, or you can subscribe to all four journals as pdf emailed directly to you for one annual subscription rate of $24. If you are only interested in fiction, for instance, you can also request a subscription just to the Coneflower Cafe, so that a $24 subscription to CC would get you four years of CC, but only CC.

Submit your payment through the Paypal portal below where you can use Paypal or a credit card. Make certain you include your preferred email address for your subscription.

If you choose to buy individual issues, please specify which journal you want by title and date. If you choose to buy a year's subscription to all four journals, please specify the year by emailing us at If you choose to buy one particular journal for four years (aka Coneflower Cafe or Rushing Thru the Dark), please specify that choice in  your email. Once your payment clears through Paypal, we will email you your requested journals as pdf files as soon as they are published.

We will also work with Amazon to create color print-on-demand copies of each journal, as well. 

You can buy Coneflower Cafe, Spring 2022 (right click on the magazine title to go to Amazon) as a print-on-demand magazine from Amazon for $26.95; Coneflower Cafe Spring 2021 for $24.99; Glacial Hills Review Summer 2021 for $19.99; Rushing Thru the Dark, Autumn 2021 for $24.99, and the Best of Choeofpleirn Press, Winter 2021 for $24.99. 

Less than $2 of the cost of these publications through Amazon returns to Choeofpleirn Press, but we offer this publication option because many creators like to view their works in print. 

Or you can pay for the pdf version via our Bookstore or in the Paypal portal below ($6), including your email address, so we can send the journal to you. Buying the journals directly from us means we retain more of the price for the specific journal to help fund future literary magazines.

Thank you for your continued interest in the literature and art we publish!

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