Choeofpleirn Press is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit corporation.
Unlike most literary presses, we are not funded by a university or other nonprofit organization. We are a small, private press run out of northeastern Kansas. Unfortunately, Kansas lost its state funded support for nonprofits that focus on the Humanities and Arts when former Governor Brownback eliminated such public funding in 2011 (see the NPR article about those cuts here:, promising that he would personally see to supporting the Arts in Kansas via private funding. Kansas now has a Kansas Arts Commission, and we were able to secure a small grant from them in 2024.
Currently, we fund Choeofpleirn Press almost entirely out of our own pockets, with minor income from subscriptions and ebook sales through this website, and from the contest funds we receive from the Creative Contests, which means we often have to make choices about what we can afford to do in the best interests of the press. The latter income generally covers the modest prize money we give to our winning creators every year, and, sometimes, to the judges, most of whom do the judging gratis for us.Â
We could require submission fees, but we feel such fees are unfair to new writers and to writers who, like us, often struggle to make financial ends meet.
Unfortunately, because we are a Mom&Pop press located in the middle of nowhere Kansas, we have been rejected for every grant we have applied for thus far. We refuse, however, to go quietly into the night.
As a result, we have to rely on donations to help fund our current goals of publishing quality literary journals and to save up for our future goals of publishing quality novels and full-length books of poetry.
Remember, monetary donations to 501(c)(3) companies are tax deductible!
We appreciate your supporting Choeofpleirn Press!
If you would prefer not to use Paypal, you can mail donations directly to us at the following address:
Choeofpleirn Press
1424 Franklin Street
Leavenworth, KS 66048