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Welcome to Choeofpleirn Press! 

Our name is pronounced chuf-plern and roughly means "the chief place of rest," but it is a word we coined by alternating the letters of our surnames

We are a literary press located in northeastern Kansas at the foot of the Glacial Hills. One of our many goals is to innovate literary magazines by 1) publishing a larger size of magazine, instead of the typical 6x9" cheap magazines printed on coarse paper, and 2) utilizing Amazon to sell the print copies as gorgeous 8.5x11" paperbacks that would grace any coffee table or waiting room. With these two changes, we can print more stories, more essays, more plays and screenplays, not to mention more poetry and art. And we do not have to worry about where to store mass printed copies or mess with the logistics of shipping them to readers.

We accept poetry, short fiction, creative and scholarly nonfiction essays, one-act plays, short screenplays, and images of artworks all year round. We do not typically seek works that fit specific themes. Overall, our main goal is to showcase great literature and art, something the word "anthology" was originally coined for because its base meaning is a "gathering of flowers."

Every person whose work is accepted for publication receives a digital version of the journal in which her/his/xis work appears. Amazon does an excellent job printing each magazine for all readers, including our creators, to purchase to give to friends and family. We urge every medical clinic in the state of Kansas to buy our magazines for their waiting rooms. 

Currently, we do not charge a submission fee, unless the writer wants to participate in any of the creative contests, for which there is a modest contest fee. Our hope is to, some day soon, be able to pay our contributors a small remuneration for allowing us to publish their works. 

Please adhere to the following limits, even if you choose not to compete in the contests (read the specific webpage for each genre you are considering submitting for details):

§   Identify your name at the top right hand corner of each written submission;

§   Include a biography of less than 100 words written in third person (i.e. Jack Russell writes...).

§   Submit no more than three poems (less than 50 lines each) at a time, all saved in one file: submission for publication is Free; contest submission is $15;

§   Submit no more than one short story (between 3000 and 10,000 words) with each email: submission for publication is Free; contest submission is $20;

§ Submit no more than one nonfiction essay (between 600-15,000 words) with each email;  submission for publication is Free; contest submission is $20;

§ Submit no more than one one-act play or short screenplay with each email; we will entertain no more than three submissions of drama per year from each writer; submission for publication is Free; contest submission is $20;

§   Save each submission file with at least your surname and a brief title of the work, even if it is an artwork;

§   When submitting art, please give each piece a title and describe either the circumstances in which you made the piece or the circumstances involved in the image, so we can be clear about what we are seeing. Please make certain that each image has at least 600 dpi to ensure a quality image, once it is published.

If you choose to submit materials for more than one creative category (i.e. poetry and fiction), please send separate emails for each genre of submission.

Remember, if you choose to enter our creative contests, you must pay the appropriate contest fees as indicated on the specific genre's webpage through the payment portal at the bottom of that page.

All work submitted to Choeofpleirn Press must be original work by the person submitting it. We do not publish written works created with AI programming, which the U.S. Copyright Office has deemed non-copyrightable. Images transformed with digital programming, such as Photoshop, are still acceptable, however.

Submission of your work to Choeofpleirn Press means you are allowing us to print and copyright your work for the magazine issue in which your work appears. Realize, though, that writers retain their ownership of their works, but, if a work we publish is republished elsewhere, we ask that you acknowledge our literary journal as your work's first publication. Note that, if your work comes in among the top three for our creative contests, it will be reprinted in our Best of Choeofpleirn Press annual magazine, as well. If you win the top spot for a creative contest, you also win $100.

If you have questions about submitting to our journals, please email us at

If you have not heard back from us within 48 hours of your submission, you need to contact us to ensure that we have gotten your work because sometimes submissions are sent to Spam, and we can inadvertently overlook or accidently delete a submission within the Spam folder.

Annual Submission Deadlines

Coneflower Cafe: Fiction, last Sunday of February

Glacial Hills Review: Nonfiction, last Sunday of May

Rushing Thru the Dark: Drama, last Sunday of August

Art and Poetry are accepted all year long, but to appear in the current year: last Sunday of August

Choeofpleirn Press LLC cares about the health of the earth and our local environment. To that end, we are committed to reducing our carbon footprint by being paperless, by not commuting, by maximizing our computers' efficiencies, by printing few documents, by avoiding the use of toxic chemicals, by using energy efficient appliances, and by turning off our computers and lights when they are not in use.

Choeofpleirn Press LLC, a 501(c)(3) nonprofit, embraces diversity because diversity strengthens humanity’s ability to deal with the issues facing us. The editors have worked in intercultural fields in higher education previously, so understand the importance of meeting diverse readers' needs through accepting brilliant works of literature and art by writers of diverse backgrounds and experiences.

As writers, the editors of Choeofpleirn Press realize how challenging it can be to get individual works of poetry, fiction, nonfiction, one-act plays, and screenplays published, so we decided to create separate literary magazines that highlight each of the longer genres--fiction, nonfiction, and drama--in combination with art and poetry, in order to promote those works more effectively. 

We create coffee table quality print and ebook magazines, blurring the boundaries between literary magazines and books, that are boldly colorful, unlike most traditional literary press publications, to invite readers into the stories, essays, poetry, and drama through stunning artwork images. We also publish quality print and digital poetry and nonfiction books. 

Our goal is to get as much great literature and art in the hands of everyday readers as possible.